Wednesday, April 18, 2007


"We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time"

Above is a section from Little Gidding part of T.S. Eliot's Four Quartets

The semester started with Demeter and Persephone and so it ends with Demeter and Persephone

psyche - soul - image of a butterfly

When you get pricked with cupids arrows not only do you fall in love with who you are looking at but you also experience ate (infatuation to the point of ruin)

Sexson suggests that we have all been transformed into can blame T.V.

Venus is the "wicked" mother in law

the tasks that Psyche had to preform for Venus
1. sort the grains
2. collect sheep's wool
3. collect pure water
4. bring back the make up (this is cosmic makeup not cosmetic makeup)

Both frames of the story (psyche and cupid along with Lucius) have to undergo their trials, or their initiations

If you want a moral of the story you have to disobey, a character can't be transformed or changed if they don't make the mistakes to change them.

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