Monday, March 5, 2007


The Symposium, on page 27 Dr. Sexson has decided that the first part of the last paragraph was not a preferred translations. In his opinion the translation that follows is more fitting...

"Each of us then is the mere broken tally of a man, the result of a bisection which has reduced us to a condition like that of a flat fish, and each of us is perpetually in search of his corresponding tally"

His decision for this translation revolves around the word tally. A tally is a roman coin that used to be broken into two pieces. Two individuals would take a half as they went separate ways, that way if after years and years apart if they ever met they would have the broken tally to connect back into one, this would prove that they were a match.

Dr. Sexson gave us a demonstration in class by having Katie and Katey tear in index card in half and each keep a half. If by chance they happen to run into each other in some South African cafe years from now they will have the torn card to connect themselves to each other.

Henry James' Turn of the Screw is a frame story and the movie Innocence is a visual depiction of this text.

The subject of the story is the story

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