Thursday, April 5, 2007

Test #2 Question

These are the questions that we came up with as a class for the test. if it has an * next to it, it means it may not be on the test or will be rewritten in a way that Sexson finds more fitting

which birds represent Procne and Philomena
-Procne is a swallow
-Philomena is a nightingale

what does ate mean
-infatuation to the point of ruin

who is the original artisan/ artificer

who is the god of sleep, dreams and disguises

*what should we avoid at all costs
-old people

what is Aristophane's theory of the soul mate
-we were all joined together in the beginning but they became too much so they separated them into two...if you find our other half, he or she is our soul mate

tragedy focuses on the individual while comedy focuses on the community

plato's theory on the immortality of the soul
-knowledge and virtue

in the symposium, Plato claims that he learned everything from

what is Socratic irony
-claiming to know nothing when in fact they know a lot

what does Icarus do
-fly to close to the sun, his wax melted and he fell

what was the difference between Minerva and Arachne
-Aracne weaves about the negative portrayal of the gods while Minerva weaves a positive portrayal

the last picture in the last frame in Velasquez "the Spinners" is
-Europa or the rape of Europa

what does the name Pentheus mean
-the man of constant sorrow

how is Cadmus related to Pentheus

why did Ulysses believe that he deserved the arms of Achilles
-because he started it all

what Shakespearean play was partically inspired by Procne
-Titua and Andronicas

what is a characteristic of new comedy
-boy wants girl

what is anagnorisis
-recognition or critical moment of discovery

what is the first instance of frame in the metamorphoses
-pan and syrinx

-the awareness of gods presence in the world

-eating of live flesh

according to Plato, Love's parents are
-poverty and contrivance

how old will the metamorphoses be in 2008
-2000 years old

what was Daphne turned into
-a laurel tree

naso means

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