Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Ovid is the most visual poet

The Stories from Ovid’s Metamorphosis that Dr. Sexson wants you to pay attention to

-Io and Jove pg. 25
-Syrinx pg. 31
-Europa pg. 71
-Arachne pg. 177
-Pygmalion pg. 335
-Tereus, Procne, Philomela pg. 193
-Daedalus and Icarus pg. 254
-Pythagoras pg. 515

Some of the stories that were picked as favorites from the class
-pyramus & thetis
-Peleus & thetis
-alcyone & ceyx
-perseus & redusa
-ceres & prosepia
-baucis & philemon
-daedalus & icarus
-The Calydonian Hunt
-Death of Achilles
-Erysichton’s sin

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