Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Tragedy emphasizes the individual
Comedy emphasizes the community....with comedy "it's not all about you"

Comedy is void of shame. There is a notion that whatever is human is ok. Life can and is crude messy and not perfect.

With Greek mythology there is something for everyone.

Old Comedy consists of three points
*polis - current politics
*death and rebirth (regeneration)

Northrop Fry suggests that the last point, death and rebirth or regeneration, is the main theme.

the movie Little Miss Sunshine is a modern day example of old comedy

Comedy often celebrates stupid people....the hero tends to be dim witted

*comedy deals with people who are worse than they are
*comedy originates from the phallic procession

Comedy has happy ideas..."Wouldn't it be nice if...."

carnal - of or relating to the flesh

Steve Martin suggests that "comedy is not pretty"

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