Monday, February 5, 2007


The key word for the day is...SING
*Here i sing fearsome, lovely-haired Demeter (pg 3 Homeric Hymns)
*Muse, sing of Hermes, son of Zeus and Maia (pg 38 Homeric Hymns)

homeric hymns are meant to be sung or at least be recited with a tone of inspiration

The muse has to be invoked before one can sing or write. The muse is for inspiration. People are only vessles by which the gods speak through.

A few new terms
*politics - comes from polis meaning the city
*BCE - before the common era, also referred to as BC (before Christ)
*Chthonic - laws that are above the state laws

Plato does not believe in the idea of a blanks slate, he instead believes that people are all knowing until they are born and then life is just the process of remembering what you have forgotten. He believes that people already know everything, you can't learn something new just relearn what you have already forgotten

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