Tuesday, February 27, 2007


The Symposium is patriarchal...NO GIRLS ALLOWED, they even sent away the flute girls before they started the discussion

The Symposium is an example of dialectic philosophy because it can't all be completely trusted, it is a composed frame story.

We never see the real thing until we are educated, until then we are just seeing forms....sound familiar?
Plato's Allegory of the Cave suggests the idea of living life by just seeing shadows. In class we made the connection to the Matrix or a movie theater, so i guess the extreme would be if you are watching the matrix in a movie theater. The movie theater is just a modern day cave for Plato, people go into a dark room and sit and stare at shadows on a wall...interesting

Raconteur - is a story teller

"I don't want to talk about it" as the beginning of a story just adds to the drama

Sheherazade - was mentioned in class about telling stories to save her life. The description of her on Wiki closely reminded me of the lady that Dr. Sexson met on the plane....very interesting and worth taking a quick look.

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