Wednesday, February 7, 2007


*look around at everyone's blog and find at least one to post a comment on.
*find a single page in Steiner and do a close reading
*pick one of the five categories listed in the pages of 231-277 of Steiner.
-man and woman pg.234
-young and old pg. 242
-individual and society pg.247
-living and dead pg. 263
-mean and god(s) pg. 266

Antigone was only 13

Can you guess who Charles Dickens was obsessed with....Little Red Riding Hood

Look at Carly's blog if you want to check out a great link for Hegel.

You don't have to ban books you just have to create a distraction. Television has done wonders for keeping people away from books.

The word myth comes from the word mythos which means story. So when people ask "what's the story" they are really asking "what's the myth"

Both tragedy and comedy are all in the family

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