Tuesday, February 20, 2007


The blogs to check out for the test are

Don't forget to bring a question to class on Tuesday that you think should be on the test Friday

Dithyrambos - Dionysus
*God of the Double Doors

The mythos (or story) of Antigone is used by Sophocles to make the tragic drama of Antigone. The story that everyone knew went under a metamorphosis by Sophocles to become a dramatic, creative story.

Tiresias - sees the world as both a male and a female because he had lived and experienced life as both

Senex - old men
an example is Tiresias and Creon

The messenger only comes in to deliver bad news and often their description is of scene of graphic violence

Hearing vs showing
*hearing is your own interpretation, they are sparking your imagination and describing a scene but each individual paints a different picture
*showing is someones else interpretation, nothing is left to the imagination

Mistakes are a great thing because they take you somewhere you hadn't anticipated.

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